This is a COLAGE program.
Parent drop-off required for Waffles and Crew. This event is only for COLAGE registrants.
Waffles (8-10 year olds): Welcome & COLAGE 101 - Hey COLAGErs! Welcome to Family Week! Come meet our amazing staff, get to know your fellow COLAGErs, find out what we’ll be doing all week and make new friends or reconnect with your COLAGE family from years past! We’ll spend this time getting to know each other, playing games, and finding out what’s in store for us during this amazing week!
Crew (11-13 year olds): COLAGE 101 & Trans Justice - COLAGErs will learn about Family Week, COLAGE, and our values through a trans justice lens. We will be meeting other COLAGErs, making friends, and playing games!
High School (14-18 year olds): Welcome & LGBTQ History - Come connect with new and old COLAGErs alike! We will be getting to know one another and learning how to support each other during the week. We will discuss important moments of LGBTQ+ and queerspawn history from before the 20th century to the present day.